Professional offering

Between VIDEOTON and the Kaposvári SZC Eötvös Loránd Műszaki Szakgimnáziuma, Szakközépiskolája és Kollégiuma outstanding professional relationship has been occurring for years, therefore it’s not the first occasion when we provide support for the school.

In 2017, we assisted in the preparation of student to acquire competitive knowledge in the future with a 3D printer.

VIDEOTON pays special attention for safe working and the working conditions, so this time we donated for the school two modern extractor hoods which can serve a workstation which stands for four-four soldering stations.

On the practical lessons during the soldering with soldering irons and the fixing with adhesives easily respirable particles are forming. The device – which costs more than two million forint - provided by VIDEOTON filters out the dangerous sized particles then it returns the cleaned air back to the room. The device is going to be applied in the education of telecommunication and electronic technicians; electricians, and according to future plans electronic mechanics.